Well as it is International Womens Day, I feel the urge to write, and of course voice my various opinions on this day.
I would like to think, that I have a very good opinion of my sex in general, women are capable of such amazing things, and we have come such a long way in terms of equality and opportunities.
I am forever grateful to the fact that my daughters can be educated to the exact extent that a man can, if they so choose to, and follow any career they choose.
International Womens Day is meant to be a collective day for women to celebrate our sex and our achievements.I would like to think this included all women in all positions and life journeys.I was appalled to read the following comment of a website this morning.
"Happy International Womens Day to All women, except those who are living like 1950's housewives, not working and contributing to society, but staying home to raise another generation of weak, pathetic women"....
I resisted the urge to launch a keyboard warrior attack, and instead will have my say here where I don't have to deal with her idiotic replies.
I consider feminisim a dirty word. Sure I am all for women being able to vote, work, compete equally with men, but I consider most feminists a complete joke.
In a society were women can choose to do whatever they will, why do we still have a group of women trying to fit everyone into a box?.
My Aunt is a staunch feminist and even thought I love her dearly, she has such a narrow idea of womenhood.
Feminists would see every women, out in the work force, with boxy clothes, no make-up and short hair..probably with their uterus ripped out, and a set of male appendage in a sensible leather bag...
I think, while it may seem old fashion, that women are the fairer sex, and we don't and shouldn't have to act like men to get what we want/need.
I think, women need to celebrate what it means to BE A WOMEN..intelligence, compassion, beauty, femininity and motherhood.
Most women I know these days work, myself included, I think this is fantastic.Work provides you with new learning opportunities, challenges and mental stimulation and sometimes just a break..
However I also understand when a women chooses to stay home with her children a devote her time and energy to working at home and I respect that choice, because isn't that what women liberation was all about? being able to choose what you want to do?..
So I will not be burning my bra this International Womens Day, I will in fact be donning the laciest,girliest,prettiest one I own and celebrating my femininity...perhaps while cleaning, cooking and changing nappies!..God forbid!....xxx