Thursday, October 27, 2011

Just reading about being frugal makes me depressed..

As today is my kid free day (that being I only have the 2 babies) I have been sitting in front of my computer doing what I like to call "research".
A spunky friend of mine posted this website to help everyone with the art of becoming frugal.
Now armed with some time to read I began looking over this site, hoping to find something that would help me cut costs.
I did manage to find some KILLER  recipes, and some other cool stuff, but...then

For example looking for cheap maternity wear, one suggestion was raid your hubbies NO, secondly your friends and their grandiose coffee dates are making you broke, and thirdly not buying any NEW baby items at all, instead opt for second hand was just too much

The idea of kicking back in Matts Kenworth t-shirt, without decent friends or COFFEE, and my children wearing clothes that sinned against humanity in the 80's, is just not cool!!..

So apart from the recipes and cleaning tips and the less is more attitude, I laugh in the face of being frugal..and smile at the idea of Short St coffee, my girlie friends,online shopping,and hairdressers appointments.

In retrospect I do honestly feel I have a issue with shopping, possibly even a (gasp) addiction??..

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Whats with me and naughty boys??

As most of my Facebook friends are aware I am ever so slightly obsessed with a TV series called "Sons of Anarchy"..

I discovered this series with a friend of mine late one Saturday evening.  As I was extremely pregnant with little else to do, I started watching it fanatically, to the point were I was sure Landon would be born humming the opening song .
The main character in this series is a bad boy biker called "Jax"..Who of course I fell totally in love with.
This slight TV crush has lead me to ask question, "Why do us girls always like the bad boys??". or more to the point ME??
This love if a bad boy started early in my life,as all the little girls at school were mad over "Dieter Brummer" or "Luke Perry"..I was squirreling away posters of Axl Rose and the hot guy from "Extreme"'t even remember his name, (he had long hair and tats all that mattered)..anyway, where does it come from??.
My sister love's the straight laced, short haired, all round nice guy type. My Dad is possibly the most conservative person alive and my Mum likes scarey little men like Leonardo Di Caprio.
Going through high school I tried to have a normal, nice, jock type boyfriend, only to end up crushing his little heart and declaring "He's tooo nice" for my reason to move on..(never mind the cool,older guy I had in the background)
Now without delving too much into the torrid past of Alex Wilson, I have had DISASTERS with naughty boys and have had my little heart ripped out, jumped on,thrown around the room a couple of times and jammed back in.
So at this point, good guys=boring and bad ones=pain..
Enters who I like to call "Matty-Cake" Wilson
The first time I ever paid much attention to Matt was when I was on work experience for school, and although I had meet him before, he caught my attention on this day due to the fact he had green, no TEAL coloured hair!!..LOL..with his guitar playing, cigarette wielding charm and his band of interesting permanently stoned amigos. I decided that he was the perfect mix of boring/ pain or good/bad, needless to say our love bubba was born 1yr later and we started our "Osbourne" kinda life.

I have come to the conclusion that I like the naughty boys because in all honesty,.. I am a "naughty girl" with way too much enthusiasm for practically all things taboo in life, noisy concerts,metal music, drinking too much, being cheeky and loud and generally making a nuisance of myself.
So in the eternal words of a legendary bad boy "Such is Life"

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I am so good!!!

Well I must say that I am rather proud of myself.
Last night I knew nothing about blogs or how to make them look pretty and by 2pm today, I have a completed blog page.......with pretties.
Anyway my mind is exploding with possible topic's for ranting about, so much so that I can't focus on picking one lol, so lets just see what comes out.

I watched an awesome 30 min documentary today (is posted on my Facebook) it was about how you can make a comparison between the Holocaust and the Pro-Choice movement.
The interviewer started off by asking random people in the street who Adolf Hitler was.  It shocked me to hear how many people did not know who he was, or better yet, thought he was an actor..LOL..Oh dear..
Actually on a serious note, for people to only be 60 years off WW2 and not know who he is down right scary, there is a saying"Those who are not aware of  history, are destined to repeat it"..or something along those lines..
6 MILLION people died because ONE man managed to convince nearly a whole continent, that the Jews were no longer classed as human beings.
This alone astounds me!! did this man achieve this?..Imagine walking into a room with a group of people and saying "Ok according to my way of thinking, all people of a different faith to me, are no longer human and must be wiped out ".
It sounds absolutely not possible, but yet it happened.
Adolf Hitler was a smart man and he worked off the theory that if you continually tell not very well educated/informed people something, eventually they will believe it.
It still happens today I speak to lots of people about the topic of abortion, and I get CONTINUALLY told that a unborn baby is not human until it is born???.."ok so what is it then", usual response is "A cluster of cells" people are only this ignorant because that is what they have been TOLD to think, doctors, nurses with their own agenda, have basically brainwashed people into thinking abortion isn't murder because the baby isn't human..sound familiar??...
I'll leave you with this little gem .
Last night I was visiting my darling best friend and her little son, (my God-son) he was playing with her iphone, looking at this app that shows a babies development from conception. (mum is currently pregnant) he flips the screen around for me to see and says "baby" .What I saw on the screen was a 5 week old fetus (baby) my god-son is 2 and he KNOWS that its a baby..his mumma and I exchanged knowing looks...out of the mouths of babes!!
Link for the doco!!!