Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Whats with me and naughty boys??

As most of my Facebook friends are aware I am ever so slightly obsessed with a TV series called "Sons of Anarchy"..

I discovered this series with a friend of mine late one Saturday evening.  As I was extremely pregnant with little else to do, I started watching it fanatically, to the point were I was sure Landon would be born humming the opening song .
The main character in this series is a bad boy biker called "Jax"..Who of course I fell totally in love with.
This slight TV crush has lead me to ask question, "Why do us girls always like the bad boys??". or more to the point ME??
This love if a bad boy started early in my life,as all the little girls at school were mad over "Dieter Brummer" or "Luke Perry"..I was squirreling away posters of Axl Rose and the hot guy from "Extreme"'t even remember his name, (he had long hair and tats all that mattered)..anyway, where does it come from??.
My sister love's the straight laced, short haired, all round nice guy type. My Dad is possibly the most conservative person alive and my Mum likes scarey little men like Leonardo Di Caprio.
Going through high school I tried to have a normal, nice, jock type boyfriend, only to end up crushing his little heart and declaring "He's tooo nice" for my reason to move on..(never mind the cool,older guy I had in the background)
Now without delving too much into the torrid past of Alex Wilson, I have had DISASTERS with naughty boys and have had my little heart ripped out, jumped on,thrown around the room a couple of times and jammed back in.
So at this point, good guys=boring and bad ones=pain..
Enters who I like to call "Matty-Cake" Wilson
The first time I ever paid much attention to Matt was when I was on work experience for school, and although I had meet him before, he caught my attention on this day due to the fact he had green, no TEAL coloured hair!!..LOL..with his guitar playing, cigarette wielding charm and his band of interesting permanently stoned amigos. I decided that he was the perfect mix of boring/ pain or good/bad, needless to say our love bubba was born 1yr later and we started our "Osbourne" kinda life.

I have come to the conclusion that I like the naughty boys because in all honesty,.. I am a "naughty girl" with way too much enthusiasm for practically all things taboo in life, noisy concerts,metal music, drinking too much, being cheeky and loud and generally making a nuisance of myself.
So in the eternal words of a legendary bad boy "Such is Life"


  1. You are awesome Al and that is an awesome way to look at things in your life thus far.... You and Matty are so perfect for each other... love you.

  2. Matts gonna spaz because I called him Matty-Cake over the well..
