Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My wild tribe

 This is a note I wrote awhile ago in my Facebook account, I liked it so much I thought I'd pop it in my blog

Hello All
Was going to have a rant about parenting styles on in my status but it just wouldn't a note it is!!
We have elderly neighbors that my children enjoy popping over to see, they usually sit on their back patio with grubby bare feet and messed up hair, sipping lemonade and discussing the plants and flowers in their yard.
Despite me calling over the fence to make sure they are not being a bother, my neighbors seem happy to be entertained by the kidlets, and often remark on funny little things they say.
Yesterday Odette and Roman embarked on a trip next door armed with a camera to take photo's of all the pretty flowers and garden gnomes. They soon came home with lots of interesting shots and information on the flowers.
My elderly neighbor stuck his head over to make sure the kids were at fact at home and not roaming the
We got onto the subject of "kids theses days" and he remarked that we are a little "different" it was not a nasty comment at all and I suppose to the outside world  the noise from our little weatherboard cottage alone might lead people to think we were "different"...
As some of you might have noticed I have had issues with fostering of late and it has made me look at our lifestyle and particularly our parenting technique (or lack of one)..
Most parents have a good sound idea of how they would like there children to be when they grow up,.. I don't!
I love watching my children develop into themselves and I try very hard to not interfere in the process.
Now of course you need to instill some common ideas.
Our beliefs and prayer to be thankfull for what we have
Manners are something I insist on
Good work ethic, I try to explain everyday how much it cost to live and why you need to work hard
Kindness is something I'm really trying to teach my children, especially the eldest one..
Understanding of the world, I often allow my older girls to watch 60 mins or documentaries particularly on poverty and similar issues so that they develop empathy for their fellow man, and so they understand when I comment at dinner time to eat their food because some children don't have any.
I think older generations were so preoccupied with children being "good" they forgot to teach them to embrace the life they were given.
I want to see my kids sling a backpack on their back and disappear to Europe for months. I love seeing my kids reading, I love seeing them play (damage) Matts guitar and Cella playing her sax.
I secretly love Marcella and Odettes quick wit..they say the funniest things sometimes.
I love the fact my girls can ride a motor bike as good as any boy and Cella can box with the boys..
I really enjoy Romans kind nature and his soft heart, he will make some women very happy one day. I love watching him play families with his little friends and how he (the dad) carries the baby in the sling..and how he photographs everything in sight, mind you he styles and uses props in his photos no armature stuff here.
I'm yet to see what Landon fully has in store for us but I'm sure it will be fantastic, he's alot like his Dadda so I'm expecting a musical one
All in All we are "Different"  and I LOVE it and I love that other people notice, that means whatever I'm doing or not doing is working...and I'm so so grateful for my family  and no winging caseworker is going to take that from me again..
Ok rant over

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