Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My wild tribe

 This is a note I wrote awhile ago in my Facebook account, I liked it so much I thought I'd pop it in my blog

Hello All
Was going to have a rant about parenting styles on in my status but it just wouldn't a note it is!!
We have elderly neighbors that my children enjoy popping over to see, they usually sit on their back patio with grubby bare feet and messed up hair, sipping lemonade and discussing the plants and flowers in their yard.
Despite me calling over the fence to make sure they are not being a bother, my neighbors seem happy to be entertained by the kidlets, and often remark on funny little things they say.
Yesterday Odette and Roman embarked on a trip next door armed with a camera to take photo's of all the pretty flowers and garden gnomes. They soon came home with lots of interesting shots and information on the flowers.
My elderly neighbor stuck his head over to make sure the kids were at fact at home and not roaming the
We got onto the subject of "kids theses days" and he remarked that we are a little "different" it was not a nasty comment at all and I suppose to the outside world  the noise from our little weatherboard cottage alone might lead people to think we were "different"...
As some of you might have noticed I have had issues with fostering of late and it has made me look at our lifestyle and particularly our parenting technique (or lack of one)..
Most parents have a good sound idea of how they would like there children to be when they grow up,.. I don't!
I love watching my children develop into themselves and I try very hard to not interfere in the process.
Now of course you need to instill some common ideas.
Our beliefs and prayer to be thankfull for what we have
Manners are something I insist on
Good work ethic, I try to explain everyday how much it cost to live and why you need to work hard
Kindness is something I'm really trying to teach my children, especially the eldest one..
Understanding of the world, I often allow my older girls to watch 60 mins or documentaries particularly on poverty and similar issues so that they develop empathy for their fellow man, and so they understand when I comment at dinner time to eat their food because some children don't have any.
I think older generations were so preoccupied with children being "good" they forgot to teach them to embrace the life they were given.
I want to see my kids sling a backpack on their back and disappear to Europe for months. I love seeing my kids reading, I love seeing them play (damage) Matts guitar and Cella playing her sax.
I secretly love Marcella and Odettes quick wit..they say the funniest things sometimes.
I love the fact my girls can ride a motor bike as good as any boy and Cella can box with the boys..
I really enjoy Romans kind nature and his soft heart, he will make some women very happy one day. I love watching him play families with his little friends and how he (the dad) carries the baby in the sling..and how he photographs everything in sight, mind you he styles and uses props in his photos no armature stuff here.
I'm yet to see what Landon fully has in store for us but I'm sure it will be fantastic, he's alot like his Dadda so I'm expecting a musical one
All in All we are "Different"  and I LOVE it and I love that other people notice, that means whatever I'm doing or not doing is working...and I'm so so grateful for my family  and no winging caseworker is going to take that from me again..
Ok rant over

Damm you yummy Christmas food!

Hello All
Its been ages since I blogged last. I have been quite flat-out the last month with work, and all that the end of another year entails. (sighhhhh) so glad its
I had a lovely Christmas with my family, even though it was the first Christmas that Matt has ever had to work(night shift too). We managed to swing things around a bit and he actually got to enjoy most of chrissie day, but with just a massive nanna nap in the middle.
Christmas has been described as the "Season of perpetual hope" I say its the "Season of perpetual eating"..I took "tis the season to be jolly" about 4 steps too far..
As we inch closer to the end of 2011 I have come to realise that I have spent yet ANOTHER year unhappy with my body.
I have been on specialised  protein drinks since April and while I have enjoyed some results I am far from happy.
I have a major issue with EXCERCISE..I hate it!!..I do not enjoy the idea of walking along and getting all sweaty and feral, even though I know this is what is holding me back from achieving success. I have tried every weight management plan out there, from Jenny Craig, to Weight Watchers, to Body Trim, to gym member ships and even prescribed medicines that at one point landed me in hospital and on blood thinnners for 9 months.I loose weight, but then due to being inconsistent, and exercise retarded I put it all back some.
I need to get serious about this, I'm sick of spending my life hanging out in a body that doesn't match ME..I'm sick of seeing all these super cute clothes and not being able to wear them, but most of all I'm sick of the patronizing looks you get when you are bigger and the "you have a pretty face" comments..
I have an awesome friend who found her motivation and lost 21kg this year..I am in awe of her and all the work she has done to get there, Lizzy Rich you are an inspiration!!..and your going to be my motivation, I
The whole idea of doing this again, scares the shit out of me, I'm scared of failing AGAIN and adding to my list of "things that didn't work"..
My body has delivered 4 healthy, beautiful and huge (Landon was 11lbs 5) babies. I'm proud to be a mother with a mothers body,so this is more about being a healthy size and toned, rather than stick thin..
So wish me luck guys I'm sure I'll be blogging about this soon enough, hopefully with some positive news.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Kid free FRIDAY!!

Hello once again peeps!!
Well how is everyone enjoying their Friday??..
I have spent the majority of mine fluffing around the house, singing really badly and loudly to all my fav tunes. and even getting to sit out the back in peace in the sun, enjoying a coffee and ciggie..and then ending up with the biggest teenaged headspin ever..

As much as I enjoy a smoke I am not a full time smoker. I in fact have the amazing ability to start and stop smoking without batting an eye-lid, which drives my chain smoking hubby mad..
I really don't understand why or how I seem to get away with this, but I do, and who am I to mess with

I remember my first cigarette with crystal clear clarity..I was 13 and staying at my friend Gems place, we were bumming around with Gem's older neighbor who offered us our first smoke, not wanting to look like a pair of babies we took him up and I'm sure bum-puffed away  trying to look awesomely cool, the funny part of this story is we only smoked half of it and realised it tasted like crap and handed the rest back much for looking cool..
Anyway this set us both on the path of smoking which we did regularly or at least whenever we could con some poor bugger to buy them for us.
I have many a funny story to tell about smoking...getting caught just about to light up by the very cranky english teacher and then having to shove the ciggie and lighter down my bra, what for I don't know because he saw me anyway, to jumping out classroom windows to puff around the corner, to smoking down the street in my school uniform and getting three Saturday detentions in a row...

Now days the only grief I get about smoking is my kids looking at me with big, round, blue eyes and saying "Don't smoke mummy you will die"..which just melts my heart and scares me more than any cranky english teacher. On the other hand Matt just shrugs and tells the kids "You have to die from something".. hes such big fat meany!!
To which I reply "Yeah well if you get cancer I'm putting you in a home"..oh feel that
There is defiantly a time in life were you realise just how bad smoking is for you, and I am in that place, it is really a terrible terrible habit to have and for others very addictive..
Then why??? I have to smoke as soon as someone is not around to hassle me about it, maybe its that naughty teenager inside me..

On a completely unrelated, but important note..I have started on the long road of ending my phobia of aliens.
Last night I watched "Alien Resurrection"..from go to woe without completely freaking out..MASSIVE EFFORT, considering ET gives me nightmares, ..stop laughing!!..
Matt was so concerned he keep saying "I can't believe you are watching this, you should turn it off"..but I hung in there, and am proud to say I only woke up once, (slightly terrified) . Not sure at what sort of pace I'm going to be exposing myself to aliens,in particular those little X-files one..(shudders) but its deffinatly a step in the right direction ..

Have an awesome weekend

Friday, November 4, 2011

Are you really "Happy"?

Hello All

Well what an interesting week I have had!!..
Matt started his new job and just LOVES it, I fell into a unexpected job offer and start next week, and then to top it off I won something (details of this are a secret)..has my life been highjacked by some lucky charm or what??..
As some of you know the last couple of years for me and my fam-bam have been very trying. A failed business, continual lack of money and just this yucky black cloud hanging around.
Alot this year I have found myself just going through the motions of life, not really enjoying anything much and when I sat down and thought about it there was alot in my life I was unhappy with.
I think as a mumma you get so caught up in your children you loose sight of yourself as a person, your so worried about them being "Happy" you forget that you too, are entitled to the same euphoric state.
So I have decided, that instead of having a pity party I need to get my butt moving and go after the things I want, because nobody is going to do it for me.
I have a laundry list of stuff I want changed, namely my weight!!..I have taken step to help in this matter and am enjoying the improvements, although it is a slow journey.
My house also needs to be finished, so I have started up a nagging campaign with Matty-cake, as well as a list of shitty shitty jobs that need to be done and am ticking them off as we go.
Thirdly the main thing is time for ME..hence the job, now fostering is awesome and I LOVE it but so so draining and to tell you the truth some of the drama I have had with DoCs this time has left a sour taste in my mouth.I did consider going back to nursing or disability care but the idea of two shift workers with 4 kids is just scary.
So when a tidy little retail job seemingly fell into my lap(thanks Kellie) I grabbed it, so here is too talking clothes and making people feel good.

I found another problem I have is my imagination. I like to imagine myself in a finished, fully renovated awesome house, or even a new renovated, awesome house, I like to imagine myself running along the river track in a crop top...bahahhahah, as if I'd even do that if I was bobble head thin..
So no more!!..It is reality alla-go go at the Wilson's from now on. I have made a list of all the great things in my life to remind myself how lucky I am even if we are having a bad run..

1: My husband and kids, Matt and I have been together for almost 12years he knows all my horrid traits and shortfalls and I know his, I have become aware of how precious it is to have someone to be 100% yourself with and always know that they will love you, we have our fights and drama's(plenty lately) but I know the children in both of us are best friends, we share the same weird sense of humor and love of music and of course our little babies.

2:My family, we are flawed and crazy, we fight, we play together,we share life, they are my identity and I love them all, big and small..(oh look at that poet)

3:My darling darling friends I am sooo blessed in this department I have a swag full of lovely friends. All different, almost one for every mood or whim I have, even one I haven't ever meet in person, but they are all cherished.
There are more on my list but I'll leave it at my top three..
Life is such an amazing gift so I'm going to make sure I enjoy it more from now on!!

 Have an awesome weekend everyone

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Just reading about being frugal makes me depressed..

As today is my kid free day (that being I only have the 2 babies) I have been sitting in front of my computer doing what I like to call "research".
A spunky friend of mine posted this website to help everyone with the art of becoming frugal.
Now armed with some time to read I began looking over this site, hoping to find something that would help me cut costs.
I did manage to find some KILLER  recipes, and some other cool stuff, but...then

For example looking for cheap maternity wear, one suggestion was raid your hubbies NO, secondly your friends and their grandiose coffee dates are making you broke, and thirdly not buying any NEW baby items at all, instead opt for second hand was just too much

The idea of kicking back in Matts Kenworth t-shirt, without decent friends or COFFEE, and my children wearing clothes that sinned against humanity in the 80's, is just not cool!!..

So apart from the recipes and cleaning tips and the less is more attitude, I laugh in the face of being frugal..and smile at the idea of Short St coffee, my girlie friends,online shopping,and hairdressers appointments.

In retrospect I do honestly feel I have a issue with shopping, possibly even a (gasp) addiction??..

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Whats with me and naughty boys??

As most of my Facebook friends are aware I am ever so slightly obsessed with a TV series called "Sons of Anarchy"..

I discovered this series with a friend of mine late one Saturday evening.  As I was extremely pregnant with little else to do, I started watching it fanatically, to the point were I was sure Landon would be born humming the opening song .
The main character in this series is a bad boy biker called "Jax"..Who of course I fell totally in love with.
This slight TV crush has lead me to ask question, "Why do us girls always like the bad boys??". or more to the point ME??
This love if a bad boy started early in my life,as all the little girls at school were mad over "Dieter Brummer" or "Luke Perry"..I was squirreling away posters of Axl Rose and the hot guy from "Extreme"'t even remember his name, (he had long hair and tats all that mattered)..anyway, where does it come from??.
My sister love's the straight laced, short haired, all round nice guy type. My Dad is possibly the most conservative person alive and my Mum likes scarey little men like Leonardo Di Caprio.
Going through high school I tried to have a normal, nice, jock type boyfriend, only to end up crushing his little heart and declaring "He's tooo nice" for my reason to move on..(never mind the cool,older guy I had in the background)
Now without delving too much into the torrid past of Alex Wilson, I have had DISASTERS with naughty boys and have had my little heart ripped out, jumped on,thrown around the room a couple of times and jammed back in.
So at this point, good guys=boring and bad ones=pain..
Enters who I like to call "Matty-Cake" Wilson
The first time I ever paid much attention to Matt was when I was on work experience for school, and although I had meet him before, he caught my attention on this day due to the fact he had green, no TEAL coloured hair!!..LOL..with his guitar playing, cigarette wielding charm and his band of interesting permanently stoned amigos. I decided that he was the perfect mix of boring/ pain or good/bad, needless to say our love bubba was born 1yr later and we started our "Osbourne" kinda life.

I have come to the conclusion that I like the naughty boys because in all honesty,.. I am a "naughty girl" with way too much enthusiasm for practically all things taboo in life, noisy concerts,metal music, drinking too much, being cheeky and loud and generally making a nuisance of myself.
So in the eternal words of a legendary bad boy "Such is Life"

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I am so good!!!

Well I must say that I am rather proud of myself.
Last night I knew nothing about blogs or how to make them look pretty and by 2pm today, I have a completed blog page.......with pretties.
Anyway my mind is exploding with possible topic's for ranting about, so much so that I can't focus on picking one lol, so lets just see what comes out.

I watched an awesome 30 min documentary today (is posted on my Facebook) it was about how you can make a comparison between the Holocaust and the Pro-Choice movement.
The interviewer started off by asking random people in the street who Adolf Hitler was.  It shocked me to hear how many people did not know who he was, or better yet, thought he was an actor..LOL..Oh dear..
Actually on a serious note, for people to only be 60 years off WW2 and not know who he is down right scary, there is a saying"Those who are not aware of  history, are destined to repeat it"..or something along those lines..
6 MILLION people died because ONE man managed to convince nearly a whole continent, that the Jews were no longer classed as human beings.
This alone astounds me!! did this man achieve this?..Imagine walking into a room with a group of people and saying "Ok according to my way of thinking, all people of a different faith to me, are no longer human and must be wiped out ".
It sounds absolutely not possible, but yet it happened.
Adolf Hitler was a smart man and he worked off the theory that if you continually tell not very well educated/informed people something, eventually they will believe it.
It still happens today I speak to lots of people about the topic of abortion, and I get CONTINUALLY told that a unborn baby is not human until it is born???.."ok so what is it then", usual response is "A cluster of cells" people are only this ignorant because that is what they have been TOLD to think, doctors, nurses with their own agenda, have basically brainwashed people into thinking abortion isn't murder because the baby isn't human..sound familiar??...
I'll leave you with this little gem .
Last night I was visiting my darling best friend and her little son, (my God-son) he was playing with her iphone, looking at this app that shows a babies development from conception. (mum is currently pregnant) he flips the screen around for me to see and says "baby" .What I saw on the screen was a 5 week old fetus (baby) my god-son is 2 and he KNOWS that its a baby..his mumma and I exchanged knowing looks...out of the mouths of babes!!
Link for the doco!!!